Friday, July 13, 2007

Rough week

Huh.....why its so hard to be a student??? Gonna do this and gonna do that and homework breathingdown our neck all the time. DOES ANYONE FEEL THE SAME!!!!!!!!

Feel so shity and deserted...fed up with Marxism and all his brillant plan of making the world into a better place and guest what? We are all punked by ourselves caz we ourselves created the so-called Capitalist world, which everyone seems to be hating right now. Damn....I'm sorry for passing this judgment caz I know I'm not at any how qualified to be making such statement but I guess I may got a little bit carried away, just have a tough week that's all! Sorry

Well change of subject, but still feeling a bit blue this weeks and huh I think partly caz I got a freakin' stomache ache and skipped school for a day! Hummmm, I wish my dog is there for me..... She use to come around me and start lick me as if say "Bloz, how u feelin? Don't be upset y'right? Caz I could feel the sorrow and pain that u r experiencing", mm at least that was what i hope she was thinkin.

You have no idea how sentimental one thing can be until u r force to depart from eachother! Caz thats how i felt when i was force to abondon my dog and come to aussiz, i will never forget that night. My heart, and my body is like.. I been ripped to thousands of little piece that its humanly and utterly impossible to heal. the wound, it will never-ever heal and I could feel the pain whenever i saw the picture of her or whenever i talk to my family about her.......

And I just want to dedicate my love to u and say "I really really love u baby haze~!!!"


Stephanie said...

hi, bloz, I can understand you and I had the same feeling that you had, rough week, working on Marxism..... do we have to?????

Shushu said...

we have to force ourselves to do this crazy stuff...
coz we'r 'superman'